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Constructed in the style of the already established and very successful 7.5-inch centre height Triumph 2000 and 8.5-inch Mascot 1600 models, the 6.5-inch (165 mm) centre height Student 1800 (together with its close cousin the Master 2500), continued Colchester's traditional use of two names that had been synonymous with lathes of an almost perfect design and Colchester Student 1800 Lathe Spares - Colchester Lathe Spares Colchester Lathe Spares - Student 1800 second hand spares. gearbox, saddle and slides, additional equipment, rapid threading attachment, taper turning, hydraulic profiler, parts lists with 1- torno_Colchester Student 1800 Lathe.pdf Tools Colchester Student 1800 Lathe.

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